Small Biz Lessons from Dex and Emma

Ever stumbled upon a book that captivates your heart, then 14 years later it enlightens your entrepreneurial journey? That's precisely what happened when Dex and Emma waltzed into my life through "One Day" by David Nicholls on St. Swithin's Day in 2010. Let me share what I’ve learned and how these lessons can supercharge your small business.

My love affair with “One Day” by David Nicholls actually began on St. Swithin’s Day (July 15th) in 2010 when I walked out of London Waterloo one morning on my way to work. 

I was working at UBM in Blackfriars at the time, so was all ready to get my head down and trudge my way through the streets of London with the rest of the city population. As I stepped out of the station and down the steps, a kind man with a gentle smile handed me this slim, orange book. I didn’t think much of it, muttered a thank you and stuffed it in my handbag. 

All sorts of things get handed to you outside Waterloo Station. It’s easier to take it, be polite and discard it at another time. I thought it may have been a religious book if I was honest. It sat in my bag for weeks. Untouched.

One day (boom, boom) on the train home, I had forgotten my earphones and saw it at the bottom of my bag looking rather scruffy and in a sad state of affairs. I picked it up and read the back of the book… I was intrigued.. So I started to read this thin orange book. I soon realised it was only four chapters of a much bigger story and I was totally hooked. 

I headed for my nearest bookstore and got my own copy. I didn’t put the book down until I had finished it. In fact, that’s a lie… I did put it down. At that moment (if you know, you know) – the same moment where years later I had to pause the film, and last week I had to pause that netflix episode. It got me each and every time, even when I knew it was coming. I won’t spoil it for everyone else, so I’ll leave it there. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it now.

Anyway, long story short… I’ve thought about the story of Dex and Emma in many different lights over the last 14 years. With my new business venture at the forefront of my mind, it has become apparent quite how many marketing lessons for small businesses are present in the underlying themes and character dynamics of the One Day journey. It’s like two of my loves have finally come together. 

Here are some marketing lessons that I have gleaned from the book:

  • Get to know them: The book delves into the lives of Em and Dex, over the course of 20 years. The twists and turns emphasise the importance of understanding your ideal audience’s desires, motivations, and evolving needs over time. In marketing your small business, understanding your target audience’s psychology is absolutely crucial for creating compelling campaigns, benefit-led content and products that resonate with them. At the beginning, Dexter’s flamboyant personality and Emma’s reserved nature highlight the need for brands to resonate with diverse audience segments. This echoes the importance of creating content that appeals to different customer personas.
  • Connections: The central relationship between Emma and Dexter evolves over time, we experience their ups and downs. This highlights the importance of building strong, lasting relationships with our customers. Cultivating relationships with customers through personalised interactions, excellent customer service, and consistent communication can foster brand loyalty and advocacy.
  • If you get knocked down, get back up again: Throughout the novel, both Em and Dex face setbacks and challenges in their personal and professional lives. However, they persist in pursuing their goals and dreams. Similarly, for any small business owner, persistence is key. Brands need to adapt to changing market conditions to stay relevant and successful.
  • Keep showing up: In the book, Emma remains true to her personality and core values. She shows up with consistency. If your small business consistently delivers on it’s promises, and keeps showing up regularly, whilst ensuring it’s brand identity is truly reflective of your personality and values. You’re onto a winner.
  • Be your authentic self: The characters in “One Day” are portrayed with depth and vulnerability, which makes them totally relatable to everyone reading or watching them. You don’t say! When marketing your small business, authenticity and vulnerability help humanise your brand and build trust with your ideal audience. Sharing genuine stories, embracing imperfections, and being transparent about values and practices can help create meaningful connections with your followers, subscribers and viewers.
  • Embrace change: The novel spans two decades, during which both characters undergo huge personal growth and change. Dexter’s transformation from a carefree playboy to a more grounded individual reflects the need for brands to adapt their messaging and positioning as societal values change. Similarly, in the marketing landscape, change is constant. Successful small businesses adapt to technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, and market trends. Embracing change and being agile in strategies and tactics can help businesses stay competitive and innovative.
  • Timing is everything: The novel’s exploration of missed opportunities emphasises the critical role of timing in marketing your business. Just as Dexter and Emma often miss chances for a deeper connection, brands must seize the right moments to engage with their audience effectively. Understanding when, where and how to communicate with your audience is vital for creating impactful marketing campaigns that work.

This magnificent story of “One Day” offers valuable insights into human relationships, personal growth, and the impact of timing, all of which can be applied to our small business marketing strategies aimed at understanding and connecting with audiences on a deeper level. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

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